Merry Christmas!

Here are 2 pictures, taken on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, respectively. Hope everybody had a wonderful Christmas and that they were surrounded by those people that they love most, as I was.

December 24, 2008

Shirley was snug as a bug in a rug in her dog coat. Greyhounds have very thin skin, almost no body fat, and only a veneer of fur – so they get cold much quicker than most other dogs.

December 25, 2008

I tried taking pictures of a rubber ducky, but they didn’t turn out, so I decided to try catching a match as it was lit. This was the only shot out of 23 to be in focus and luckily it was also in mid-light. This turned out to be more complicated than anticipated, meaning that I’ll have to experiment with it again someday … preferably after my head has cleared from dizziness of inhaling sulphur fumes.

This entry wants it’s two front teeth.